Who’s the REAL forgotten Woman? “Petite”

There has been a been an outcry in the press recently over the Lane Bryant advertisements, but the real forgotten woman is the petite woman!  The actual discrimination happening in the fashion industry is only against using petite models.

Both Victoria’s Secret and Lane Bryant heavily favor tall models. You don’t ever see petite models (fit or full-figured) used in either companies advertisements.  The idea that networks are discriminating against full figured women is actually absurd on its face.


Peggy Howell is an advocated for full-figured women, and spokesperson for the National Association for Advancement of Fat Acceptance.  “There are plenty of models that walk down the catwalk in nothing, but bras and tiny little panties. What is the difference?” she asks.

Obviously there are guidelines on television.  Our kids are watching.  The Lane Bryant advertisement featuring a full-figured glamazon woman is too racey and exposes too much flesh according to the networks.

In the end Lane Bryant’s advertisements will air and this is nothing but a publicity stunt for the campaign period. The Fox network has already agreed to air the ad during “American Idol” after re-editing.

The brilliance of this entire advertising scheme  for Lane Bryant is the fact that we are taking notice and talking about them.  The amazon 5’9 tall full-figured models are working models.  She’s not discriminated against at all like petite models 5’5″ tall and under.  The mainstream agencies have “full-figured” divisions but not “petite” divisions.


Point being petite women this is a great lesson about what we must do as a collective movement.  We need to create controversy like the full-figured and or plus sized women.  They have their place in fashion… do you?

I challenge our readers to locate clothing advertisements with petite models from any major brand that aren’t celebrities. Search for them on google or you tube. We’ve done it. What we found was all glamazon full-figured model controversy and tall, thin model worship.

Interestingly, to be politically correct and sensitive towards this market we now call women that  fit double-digit sizes “full-figured or plus-sized,” as opposed to over weight, because it sounds nicer and they have real modeling campaigns, unlike petite women.  There is zero sensitivity towards petite models or acceptance or our look in fashion and modeling.

Bella Petite is your advocate, and you need to support us and get every petite woman you know on our subscriber list so we can penetrate the fashion industry and gain recognition and acceptance!  Are you willing to stand up to designers and retailers about their lack of petite support?

All we have seen this year is an onslaught of plus-sized models and their movement into fashion.  They have arrived. Petites women, you are next!

You want change?  Get fired up and fight for your fashion rights as a petite woman!

PETITE Women 5′5″ & under it’s time to join the petite women’s fashion movement. Enter the Bella Petite Magazine Cover Girl and Editorial model search. Get a fashion magazine you can identify with register now.

Bella Petite Magazine is Fashion, Entertainment and LifeStyle for Women 5’5″ Tall & under. ”Petite is fit and full figured.” Free to subscribe to Bella Petite!  You will receive regular updates on our events, promotions, special offers and Bella Petite Magazine! Get your free issue of Bella Petite Magazine TODAY! CLICK HER




16 thoughts on “Who’s the REAL forgotten Woman? “Petite””

  1. What's obvious is both plus-size models and tall anorexic models are completely unhealthy body types. Obesity and diabetes are becoming the normal conditions these days. Where's the in between?

  2. It very true the only woman discriminated against is petite. Tall and thin and tall and plus have clothing that fits, but not the petites!

  3. "I just joined, Ill submit for the model search when I get a chance. Love what your doing, such a great publication!"

  4. OMG I can't believe it I tried to find advertisement with petite models and nothing! I called a few big agencies and no petites, but they had plus-sized models! I am so bummed about this. This is totally about height discrimination in the modeling world and that's the truth!

  5. We really need to rally around BellaPetite or will never see petite women accepted in fashion! I know I can't be tall and I don't want to be plus sized. That is why I work out and don't eat fattening foods! Everything I read here makes total sense about what we need to do as a group…thank you, xoxo

  6. Such an influential article! It's sad how the industry considers plus size models, and models such as the amazons, but petite models-who are the majority-are literally forgotten about. Industry standards need a change!

  7. I'm tired of attempting to go shopping, only to leave the store empty handed and in tears! At 4'11", and 90 pounds, I am a true xs/0. However xs', and 0's are more like larges. I'm also tired of the media bashing thin people (not all thin people are anorexic)! Obesity is a problem, yet they have stores specifically for obese women. There would be an outrage if there were stores strictly for petite women. Fat people are always complaining about being discrimintated against, etc..when quite frankly, it's the peitite women who are discriminated against! At 24 years olds, and a recent college grad with a Masters degree,I've had to put-off starting my career because I can't find professional clothes that fit me! Eva Longoria and Kelly Ripa should come out with their own clothing lines that are for peitite women only.

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