Romance and Relationships for The Woman of Tomorrow [dating] [petite women]

As a professional romance and relationship matchmaker coach, I’ve helped many women with dating and relationship issues.


This has led me to identify a few client “types,” and coaching methods that tend to work best for each. Three types I often encounter are what I call:

* The Woman of Yesterday.

* The Woman of Today.

* The Woman of Tomorrow.


While I enjoy coaching them all, I find it most rewarding to work with the modern day “Woman of Tomorrow.” In my experience, she is uniquely positioned to find lasting love and true partnership—which, any dating coach will tell you, is the brass ring. Allow me to elaborate. The Woman of Tomorrow is defined by her self-awareness. She knows what she wants, goes after it, and invests in it. She does virtually nothing in life out of necessity, but out of desire. She has choices, and knows it.


This differs from the “Woman of Yesterday,” who is less independent and self-sufficient. Yesterday’s woman embraces her femininity in a traditional way, viewing men as protectors and providers. She depends on her partner for security, and is happiest with a man who is fulfilled by supplying it.


The Woman of Today “has it all,” but subconsciously lives life according tosociety’s template. She is smart, strong, feminine, and successful, yet often struggles to balance career, family, and personal time. Today’s Woman reacts to life, deriving satisfaction from being a flexible multi-tasker. Her true partner is likewise an achiever and takes pride in accomplishments.

But, the Woman of Tomorrow has something more.  She is the Woman of Today, minus the template. Instead, she is guided by an internal compass. Her thoughts and plans leverage her gifts, and are fueled by her desires. She has confidence in what tomorrow will bring because she has already envisioned it. To have a lasting romantic union, she must be with a man who is her true partner in everything—someone who fully appreciates her core being, has similar values and interests, and will evolve alongside her.

The Woman of Tomorrow prefers solitude to a merely “good” relationship. She leads a full and satisfying life and only accepts a partner who will enhance it. Tomorrow’s woman has a soft, feminine side that likes to be courted by the man she is dating. Her ideal guy is secure, financially stable, continually self-improving, and emotionally available—all things she is. As a couple, they are best friends and passionate lovers.

Tomorrow’s woman dates with purpose, and brings the man she desires into her life. She thrives on using empowering know-how to take fate by the hand and maximize her potential—making the brass ring fully within reach.  A professional romance & relationship matchmaker for women! Written by Jonathon Aslay

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3 thoughts on “Romance and Relationships for The Woman of Tomorrow [dating] [petite women]”

  1. This what a really interesting article! Thanks for bringing to us. I learned so much about the type of woman I am! It’s all good, luv it! 🙂

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