Sincerely Nia…Bringin’ it On

Bringin’ it On

Okay, I’m going to brag here about a woman who is an inspirational dynamo.  She’s a petite dynamo! This woman is pulling petite women together from all around the world!

Her efforts are bringing women together and enriching our lives through fashion, lifestyle, beauty and business tips.  She’s teaching us how to give ourselves a make over from top to bottom. What makes this special for us is she’s doing all of this while launching her own business.

In fact, she’s doing all of this through her own business.  While in the midst of developing the content, handling the public relations and social media, as well as bringing together the financing, she’s decided to set aside time and space for us to breathe in some inspiration for the soul.

Now,  you have the opportunity for the makeover of a lifetime from top to bottom, as well as from the inside out.  I’m talking about none other than Bella Petite’s very own Ann Lauren.

Ann, in her wisdom and graciousness has agreed to give up some valuable space within Bella Petite’s web community to provide you, the readers, with a way to feed your spirit, lift your soul, connect with each other on an inspiring and supportive level by giving you a way of connecting directly to Elements Of Life.

11 thoughts on “Sincerely Nia…Bringin’ it On”

  1. I have been waiting my entire life for this to happen for petite women! Thank you Ann Lauren you are the undeniable team captain for us! I luv this website!!!!!!!

  2. What a thoughtful lady! You make me proud to be petite and confident I can do anything! Please keep up the great work this website is the best place on the internet to read about subjects that fascinate me…woowee!

  3. What you said about Ann Lauren I never fathom she has such a vision to be able to bring us altogeher like this how fantastic!

  4. Super Nia that you are with Ann on this website! Two petite dynamo's making a difference and helping us women to be empowered! Thanks for this ladies this is special. I feel like BellaPetite is reaching out to us ladies like no other magazine has ever done. You’re onto something unique and ground breaking, so thrilled to be a member and I will do everything I can to let others know about this magazine. This is the first time in my life I can really identify with whats happening and feeling like you’re talking to me! Thank you!

  5. Hello Everybody: Thank you for all of the positive support! Hearing from our reader's is extremely positive and encouraging to my efforts. I am pleased to know that you all appreciate the magnificent undertaking is embarking upon, in an effort to bring about positive acceptance in the entertainment, beauty and fashion industry.

    As well as, I hope to enlighten your mind and ease the load of everyday life circumstances we all have to deal with. Thank you for being a supporter and member!

    Best Regards, Ann Lauren

  6. i found your site on delicious today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later. 🙂

  7. This is undeniably an awesome way of uplifting not only our confidence but also boost our self-esteem! This is definately going to be a huge success. Kudos to the beautiful and gorgeous Ann, you're certainly making us feel more sexy!! 🙂

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