Is Your Job Safe? Survey The Landscape!

During recession, I don’t recommend going to work every day blindly, wondering if you are going to be laid off. Chances are a job loss will happen to you during your career. How do you know if you are safe?

Look at the big company picture. Is your company in good financial health? People think they have to be financial wizards to answer this simple question, but in reality they don’t.

If you aren’t sure where to look for this information, the first thing I would suggest is to Google your company and gathers some data. Look under current press releases and the date of the post. Pay attention to your companies’ stock prices and headlines. If it’s a publically traded company – you are in luck – their earnings are made public and you can track stock trends over the last six months. The local Business Journal will give you online media about your company and the leadership’s vision. Again, you don’t have to be a financial expert, but you’ll get a sense of what is happening around you.

Working for a privately held company is a different matter because information isn’t made as readily available, so it’s hard to know financial status and if your job is safe.

One sure tip something is up is if there are cost cutting emails being passed down from up high could be a sign of a company’s struggle to make it during this challenging economy.

Time invested: fifteen minutes at lunch for a month will tell you the financial landscape of your company and the overall probability of your job being safe.

Arm yourself with data not emotion when making a decision about the security of your job. Written by Elizabeth Lions

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