“Lawsuit Claims Nightclub Fired Waitresses for Being Too Short”… This headline is unfortunately very real, as reported by Ti-Hua Chang of Fox5 News New York. According to Mr. Chang’s report, two women have filed suit against their previous employer, a prominent New York nightclub, after the two aspiring petite actresses (5’3″ Faye Rex, 24, and 5’4″ Stephanie Jaggers, 27) were apparently fired for being too short to meet the club’s image requirement. This isn’t the first time I’ve written about height discrimination, but it may be the most audacious example that I’ve heard of outside of the fashion industry. Is there any doubt that the current fashion scene’s overwhelming preference for vertically-inclined, gangly models is largely to blame for the tall-only ideology this nightclub apparently endorses?
I wonder if the club plans to turn away their petite celebrity clientele like 5’3″ Madonna and 5’4″ Lindsay Lohan and all short men, because they are certainly a far cry from this club’s ideal fashionable standard…
These waitresses are not even “short,” as they are both roughly the same size as the average American woman at 5’3″ tall. How can there be such a grand divide between the real world and fashion’s image fiction? Because there is, and has been, a fraud perpetrated on women around the world that beauty and height are directly correlated. This correlation is as real as Santa Claus vacationing with the Easter Bunny on Arizona beach front property, and the fiction is increasingly becoming an impediment to the lives ordinary hardworking women.
Now is the time for petite women to make our voices heard and be recognized, and Bella Petite is a great venue to do so and affect real change! Our stated goal at Bella Petite is “to enrich the lives of petite women by expanding their opportunities in the fashion, modeling, beauty and the business world, while breaking down negative stereotypes about height.” It truly is time for petite women to be represented in a positive fashion. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this situation and if any of you have faced similar situations in your career pursuits. There will certainly be follow up to this story, so check in regularly for updates on the petite girls’ legal fight!
Have Petite Legs, Will Travel “ideal body” PART ONE
Petite Change -Limb Lengthening For the Worse, Not Better!
Victoria’s Secret Height Discrimination
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These women are attractive! How could anyone fire them? Maybe it’s personal you never know what lurks in the alterior mindset. It’s not because they are petite that got them fired, I think they may have attracted more customers than the “stars” of the business, with the added bonus of being petite.. I think they should just leave it and move on to better endeavors..they’re too attractive to stay there!
PETITE WOMEN STAND UP AND BE HEARD!!!! It’s time that discriminatory actions like this is stopped. It’s time we as the larges segment of women demand this does not happen anymore. Spread the word to all your petite friends and join in to SPEAK UP and demand change in all industries. Thumbs up Bella Petite for letting us know about this.
Jane Randy
I have noticed when I’m out with my tall friends. I am about 8 inches shorter than them, especially when they wear heels, and I’m the one that gets more looks. I don’t even try and my “short” 5’1 1/2 self gets boys and girls to tell me “why {I’m} not on TV!”.
I’m not conceded, and I’ve been self conscious about my height for years. However as an MBA, and current therapist, I cannot help but notice the data available to me. I get more attention than tall girls in the real world. Although the fashion industry has preferred tall and skinny, the real world has shown me that I have a body type that is more approachable. I still cannot believe it, and am even feeling like I should not write this because my brain has been conditioned to believe the opposite as seen on magazines. However, I am observing the truth when experiencing what I just shared…short (pretty) girls are very well loved.
I am concerned for the tall models once this fad catches on, because we have been forced to educate ourselves, given that we do not have the industry’s door open. Therefore, not only will we make beautiful models, but we are well educated and have other strengths that we have developed as a result of the segregation. I have years of study and am happy to say that people give me compliments for my appearance as well. God Bless all, TALL, SHORT, SKINNY, LARGE the overall point of my writing is that we are all beautiful and we all have attributes.
All we need is health, spiritual and mental strength, and the freedom to show how beautiful we feel without measurement restrictions. There is no such thing as one breed of beautiful flowers. Like women flowers are distinctively beautiful, and there should not be only one beautiful type with so many magnificent species in this world.