Gurl, You Can Have it All
The common stereotype perpetuated upon models has been that they have their professions because of how they look, and not for their brains. That idea is not only harmful because it is superficial, but also because it is not true. Every profession requires some serious hustle, and even the most popular petite models have to use their business savvy, intellect, charm, and street smarts to build a successful career and portfolio.
My best advice for you is to create a prioritized plan for achieving success in life. Since I have already earned my College degree, I’ve become a school teacher in Seoul, Korea. And I love my students!
I’m proud of my career achievements thus far. In doing so, this has allowed me the time to apply myself to develop a strong modeling portfolio by working with Bella Petite throughout last year. I registered early on, because it was super important for me to become a Bella Petite cover girl, and that enabled me to achieved this goal!
Many of the best models have intriguing backgrounds, such as in the arts. Several often know about the aspects of fashion design, interior decorating, acting, or other artistic endeavors and that creative focus often comes across in photos. However, repeatedly models have felt discouraged from getting an education, afraid that doing so would impair their careers, but nothing could be further from the truth!
Thank you for sharing this article and helping me bring positivity forward for women everywhere. I know it will help so many young women dreaming of being models. I want them all to achieve greatness, just not at the cost of their self-esteem or their minds.