The idyllic setting on an island nestled beautifully within California’s Gold Coast known as Balboa Island looks like a fairy tale. The adventure begins when you are picked up from the dockside by a schooner cabana for an enchanted evening of lights, hors d’oeuvres and a Boat Parade.
Welcome to California’s version of a white Christmas.
The wispy crisp air of the island silently beckons you over to the shining brightly lit homes that glisten and glimmer with reflections of the water that dance off your eyes like a starry night, just like a Monet.
Upon arrival to Balboa Island shortly after that, the spectacle of lights for the Boat Parade begins! The dazzling display of decorated yachts to speed boats and sail boats that are all ordained in Christmas tidings. The encapsulating message rang clear for us to enjoy the meaning of the season by surrounding ourselves with loved ones, and honest friends, while taking the time to reflect on what you want in the coming new year.
Have a holly jolly Christmas and may your holidays be filled with good cheer! Best wishes from Ann Lauren your editor-in-chief here at Bella Petite Magazine.
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